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The Start of Something New

Well. The time for me to start a blog has come- something I've been thinking about and praying about for a short time. I feel like this is necessary for so many reasons, but my number one inspiration for this new venture is my older sister Hannah... because she enjoys asking me what God has been teaching me lately, and all too often, I don't have a reply. BUT lately, I have been on the lookout, and I feel that what God teaches me is worth sharing.

Maybe you will learn something too! Which would be great, because I 'm sure God has given my little 17 year old brain some little wisdom.

I pray that you also seek what God is teaching you in your daily life, because we always have more to learn.


In Christ,


"From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!"

~Psalm 133:3

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